Our School Governors:

Mrs E. Ward – Chair of Governors (Parent)

Mrs J. Parker – Head Teacher

Mrs L. Askew –  Co-Opted governor

Mr T. Daly -Vice chair & LA governor

Mrs N. Ward – Parent governor

Ms V. Nichol – Staff Governor

Mr P Amadi – Foundation Governor- PCC appointed

Ms L Mutasa – Parent Governor

Mr M Brown – Co-Opted governor

 Dr J Hardy- Foundation Governor- Diocese appointed

The clerk to the Governing Body is Gemma Reeves and she can be contacted on:  g.reeves@st-clements.manchester.sch.uk


Lead governors:

  1. Child Protection/Safeguarding/Attendance/Prevent-  E Ward
  2. Pupil Premium-  T Daly
  3. Health & Safety and Premises-  P Amadi
  4. SEND-  L Askew
  5. Data Protection champion T Daly
  6. CLA & Previous CLA-  N Ward
  7. Website- T Daly
  8. Wellbeing- L Askew


Subject links:

  1. Literacy– N Ward
  2. Numeracy– L Mutasa
  3. Wider curriculum- Science, Computing, History, Geography,DT, Art, Music, French, PSHCEE & PE– M Brown
  4. Worship/Church School/SIAMS & RE –  E Ward

Class Link Governors:

  • N – L Askew
  • R –  N Ward
  • Y1 – E Ward
  • Y2 – P Amadi
  • Y3 – T Daly
  • Y4  – L Mutasa
  • Y5 –  J Hardy
  • Y6 –  M Brown

Class Link Governor is a more informal role & governors can come in on experience days to see our curriculum in action, have lunch with their class etc.  It is expected that governors will make one visit per term & ‘move up’ with their classes- Y6 link moves to Nursery once the class have left.


Governor Voting Rights

Associate members are appointed by the governing body to serve on one or more governing body committee. They may also attend full governing body meetings. They are not governors and therefore do not have a vote in governing body decisions, but may be given a vote on decisions made by committees to which they are appointed. 
Associate members should be appointed because of the specific expertise and experience they can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. Subject to the disqualifications set out in the 2012 Constitution Regulations, the governing body may appoint a pupil, school staff member, or any other person as an associate member so that they can contribute their specific expertise. This can help to address specific gaps identified in the skills of governing body members, and/or help the governing body respond to particular challenges that they may be facing.


If at any time you need to contact a member of the Governing Body please do so via the school.