Teachers -Mrs Gill & Ms Akhtar 

TA- Miss Gregory 

Summer Term 2024:

Communication and language and literacy

This half term we have enjoyed exploring our focused texts Christopher’s Caterpillars by Charlotte Middleton and Walter’s Wonderful Web by Tim Hopgood. We made a Yes/No graph to show who liked spiders and who didn’t and we discussed our reasons. We have listened to lots of stories about minibeasts and had a keen interest in our ‘Summer in the Garden’ topic. One of our favourite texts has been The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. We have continued practicing what we want to say out loud before writing it using our symbol to remind us. In Phonics, Nursery have continued to orally blend and segment, count the syllables in words as well as some children beginning Phase 2 Phonics sessions.


In Maths this term, we have been focusing on Sequencing and Positional Language, Comparing Groups using the language, ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’, identifying 2D and 3D shapes and their properties and exploring the Composition of Numbers.

Understanding the World

We have learned all about the season of Summer. We know it comes after Spring, what clothing we might wear in the sun and how to protect ourselves on a hot day. We have explored our environment, learning all about the features and habitats of minibeasts and how to care for them. We also learned about the lifecycles of butterflies. We had lots of fun when we invited Curious Critters in who brought lots of different insects, reptiles and animals for us to handle. During our experience day, we are making minibeast collages and taking a trip to the park for fun and games!

Expressive Art and Design

This term the children have been focusing on creating a background using a range of lines, dots, marks and patterns using drawing tools e.g. pencil, chalk, wax crayon etc. The children then drew their eyes, exploring shapes of eyes (e.g. the lemon shape, circles in circles) which were then stuck onto their background to create their self-portrait. Next, nursery are going to make a collage of a garden linked to our minibeast topic, using natural materials e.g. grass, soil etc. We have also been learning and remembering entire songs and practicing how to ‘pitch match’ – singing the pitch of a tone sung by another.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We have continued to develop our social and emotional development through the Think Equal programme, focusing on solving problems with our peers effectively and learning to resolve conflicts peacefully. We have also continued our daily practices of mindfulness and meditation.

Physical Development

We have been choosing the right resources to carry out our own plans and collaborating with others to manage large equipment. We have been developing our fine motor skills by practicing holding and using scissors correctly as well as continuing to practice holding our pencil correctly.

TOPIC NAMES Understanding the World EAD (Expressive Arts and Design PSED RE Physical Development Literacy (Reading and Writing) Maths



Journeys and Transport

(ART 13)





Summer in the Garden (ART 29)





Where we live and maps


Summer and seasonal change


In the Garden (insects and minibeasts/lifecycles)Fathers day

(IWB activities and skills continued.


Introduce iPad

Digital camera

CD player

Using technology for a


Sculpture- Sum 1

Collage – Sum 2



Music and Movement

Identifying songs and music

Parachute games

End of year performance


Role play- Transport role play- bus, station, travel agents, Minibeast garden.

Heartsmart – Fake is a mistake (I tell the truth)


Heartsmart – No way through, isn’t True (I can do it!)


Talk about feelings using a range of words, find ways to be assertive,

Be increasingly independent in meeting own care needs, make healthy choices about food, drink, activity and toothbrushing




Special Places (Places of Worship e.g. Mosque, Church, Gurdwara)




Special Times- Links with Non-Christian Faith celebrations


Values- Faith, Hope and Love

Gross Motor- develop riding skills, ball skills, use large muscle movements 

Remember some sequences and patterns of movement related to music and rhythm 

Take part in some group team activities 

Match developing physical skills to tasks and activities in setting

Choose the right resource to carry out chosen plan

Collaborate with others to manage large item

Begin to refine movement of walking and running,climbing skills, balancing skills 

Learn to skip 

Fine Motor- Use one-handed tools and equipment. 

Eat independently using a knife and fork 

Be increasingly independent getting dressed and undressed

Use a comfortable grip with good control when holding pens and pencils.


Reading- Talk about rhyming words and begin to create  rhyming strings  

Hear and say initial sounds in words

Explore and talk about different voice sounds, enunciating some phoneme correctly  

Participate in oral blending/segmenting activities 

Clap syllables in words 

Engage in extended conversations about stories and nonfiction texts, learning & using new vocabulary

Use the five key concepts about print:  Identify a word in a sentence and understand it carries meaning, identify a letter in a word, Name parts of book and show awareness of page number … page number, develop understanding of word / letter, Follow print, know it is read from top to bottom & use 1:1 correspondence

Read own name in a variety of fonts/context

Writing- Use knowledge of print / letter knowledge in writing  

Begin to match some letters to phonemes e.g. m for mummy

Engage in purposeful early writing 

Write name, from memory, with correct letter formation



Shape & Space Positional Language Focus on properties of shapes

Time- My Day Ordering events of the day

Length and height Long, short, tall and comparing lengths.

Weight- Light and heavy and comparison

Capacity Full, half full, empty and comparison

Positional language-Using language related to position and direction.




Homework Leaflet- Homework leaflet

Mouse Club 23rd April ’24

Class newsletter Nursery Summer 1 2024

Nursery topic web – Transport 2024