School Curriculum

“With Faith, Hope and Love We Can Achieve Greater Things.” 

“Love is patient and kind.  Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.  It does not demand its own way.  It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.  It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.  Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.  Three things will last forever- faith, hope and love- and the greatest of these is love.”  1 Corinthians 13:4-7 New Living Translation


Vision Statement:

At St Clements, we aim to ensure that everyone thrives within our caring Christian community. 

We will use our Christian Values and Bible verse to provide hope during difficult times, gain strength from our faith and ensure love guides us, as an inclusive school family, in all of our actions. 


Curriculum Intent


At St. Clements, our curriculum is underpinned by our vision statement, ’We aim to ensure that everyone thrives’. As a result, our curriculum:

  • is inclusive and inspiring for our learners
  • is ambitious for what our pupils will achieve
  • provides cultural experiences to address local deprivation
  • is coherently planned and sequenced to promote an accumulation of significant knowledge and skills
  • allows a flexible approach to be adaptive to the needs of all learners.


At St. Clements, we recognise the power of the curriculum to enhance learning across all subjects, and engage all types of learners; we truly teach a broad and balanced curriculum. Our curriculum is knowledge engaged, giving knowledge, skills and understanding equal weight. Every child at St. Clements is celebrated for what they can do, and encouraged to fulfil their potential. We prioritise the curriculum in our timetables to ensure an accumulation of significant knowledge and skills, enabling every child to express their talents and interests. Teachers have a good subject knowledge and plan with the curriculum aims in mind, ensuring that work is both adaptive and ambitious; inclusive and inspiring


Our long-term curriculum overview maps the curriculum content across each year and term (agreed with teachers before the commencement of the academic year). At the start of each academic year, subject leads plan the knowledge and skills they will address in each term, using medium term plans. This gives teachers the tools to plan effectively each term, set up learning organisers that are introduced at the beginning and reviewed at the end in most subjects and to ensure sufficient coverage and depth in the curriculum. Teachers are given the flexibility to adapt curriculum content, providing it meets the curriculum intent for our pupils. The curriculum is organised into topics for each year group to spark the interest of and engage our pupils, with a new topic taught each term to deliver the aims of the national curriculum.

Curriculum overview JAN 25

EYFS Long-term Plan 24-25

Year One PSHE Overview Jan 24

Year Two PSHE Overview Jan 24

Year Three PSHE Overview Jan 24

Year Four PSHE Overview Jan 24

Year Five PSHE Overview Jan 24

Year Six PSHE Overview Jan 24

Before We Leave, We Will Achieve KS2 FINAL

Before We Leave, We Will Achieve KS1 final

Before We Leave, We Will Achieve EYFS (1)


Two experience days per term plus visitors and educational visits are also timetabled to enhance and support delivery of the creative aspects of the wider curriculum.

Please take a look at our Curriculum in action page here.


Our Subjects:

































If you wish to find out more about our curriculum or subjects please speak to or contact the subject leaders:

PSHE  Lead  – Mrs Quinn            

PSHE Behaviour aspect lead- Mr Thirsk

PSHE- Healthy Schools aspect Lead – Miss Steeles

Literacy lead – Ms Younge and Mrs St-Hill

Numeracy leads – Miss Gavaghan & Miss Checkland

Phonics lead  –  Mrs Gill

Science (STEM) lead – Ms Nichol

D & T lead – Ms Nichol and Mr Nield

Computing lead – Mr Nield

PE Lead – Mr Thirsk

RE/worship & RSSA lead – Mrs Abela and Miss Thompson

Humanities lead Mrs Thomason-Leigh

MFL lead – Miss Checkland 

Art lead – Mrs Fitzpatrick

Music lead– Mrs Parker and Mr Nield

Forest Schools Lead – Miss Austen