
Computing Lead: Mr Nield


The Computing curriculum at St Clements’s is designed to equip our pupils with the skills and knowledge required to be independent learners and to be able to transfer these skills in later life when working in an ever-increasing technological world. The curriculum is designed for all learners to gain a wealth of knowledge and skills based around technology, basic skills, computational thinking, creativity and computer science, which they can then take with them into further education, employment and life. We will develop their resilience and independence when working on technologies and ensure they do so safely.

Staff and pupils have an understanding of technology and are aware of dangers surrounding online safety. As a school, we drive forward a secure knowledge of online safety to the children to ensure they remain safe online as independent learners through online safety lessons and reminders which build on the teaching from year group to year group. Therefore, pupils and staff will have the knowledge to remain safe online, allowing all to become digitally literate, promote positive usage behaviours and a positive digital footprint.