More Able, Gifted and Talented



At St Clement’s School we are committed to providing high quality education for all our pupils. We believe a rich, challenging and stimulating curriculum will benefit all children, some of whom will be more able than others. The recognition and meeting of the needs of more able pupils will raise expectations, create a culture where success is valued and therefore raise standards throughout the school community.


-To recognise that the more able pupils have particular needs that must be met.

-To foster a love of learning and the pursuit of excellence.

-To work in partnership with parents and relevant agencies.

-To develop and maintain an inclusive approach to education.


‘Gifted’ refers to a child who has a broad range of achievement at a level well above average, typically in the more ‘academic’ subjects. ‘Talented’ refers to a child who excels in one or more specific fields, typically those that call for performance skills, such as sport or music, but who does not necessarily perform at a high level across all areas of learning. ‘Able’ refers to pupils who achieve and have the ability to achieve at a level significantly higher than their peers. We recognise that these pupils will be drawn from the top 5-10% of their cohort.

Identification Strategies

We aim to identify able, gifted and talented pupils using a variety of methods:

-We use teacher assessment and observations.

-We promote the early identification of able, gifted and talented pupils; use information passed on by other schools and exchange information within the school.

-We use National Curriculum test (optional and statutory) scores, and internal tests/examination results.

-Expert nomination (e.g., football club/team leaders).

-External certificates (e.g., dance/music exams).

Provision within the school and beyond

We aim within the given structure of the school to:

-Group pupils in ways which teachers/curriculum leaders feel will maximise the quality of teaching and learning.

-Plan for differentiated work/resources and opportunities for open-ended homework.

-Consider fully the appropriateness of acceleration, fast-tracking and setting.

-Use in-class support and study support to further the learning of our able, gifted and talented pupils.

-Develop and provide opportunities for extension work/projects.

-Provide opportunities for access to the internet.

-Provide pastoral care by way of mentors/named persons in recognition of the particular emotional and psychological needs of able, gifted and talented pupils, where appropriate.

-Consider the use of challenge pupil plans.

-Provide opportunities for professional development of individual teachers or curriculum teams to inform teaching strategies.

-Make contact with experts external to the school and provide a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities to encourage talent to flourish e.g. ICT clubs, courses and events, national schemes, school council, school publications, etc.