RSE Education
Sex and Relationship education is part of lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. Sex education in the school will be developmental as a foundation for further work in the Secondary school.
St Clement’s is a one- form entry primary school with a foundation stage. We cater for children from the ages of three to eleven. Reception and Nursery children share the Foundation Stage unit and Years 1 to 6 each have a separate classroom. This policy meets our statutory requirement with regards to Sex and Relationship education and has been developed in conjunction with the Head Teacher, PSHE Co-ordinator, Healthy Schools lead and Governors.
The aim is to ensure that sex and relationship education at St. Clement’s Church of England Primary School recognises the emotional, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils.
It will reflect the school ethos and demonstrate and encourage self-respect and responsibilities for self and for others. It will prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life, the nature of marriage and the importance of family life and stable relationships for bringing up children. As well as teaching about sex, it will deal sensitively with issues as they arise about sexuality and sexual health.
The school will deliver sex and relationship education by:·
providing information, which is easy to understand, relevant and appropriate for the needs, age and maturity of the pupils·
teaching the subject in the context of relationships·
teaching the subject in both mixed and single gender groups·
providing appropriate, up to date resources to support the policy·
identifying and recognising pupil’s special needs requirements which might necessitate an amendment to the core sex education programme ·
involving the pupils in the school’s provisions for sex and relationship education Parents will be consulted in the Summer term as to whether they wish to withdraw their child from these sessions. More information can be found in the Sex and Relationships Policy below.
If you have any questions, concerns or do not wish for your child to take part in these lessons, Please complete the form below: