Remote Learning at St Clement’s


Details of the remote curriculum

The remote curriculum will, as much as possible, link to our long-term curriculum plans and the learning those in school will be doing, while remaining manageable for staff to prepare on top of their usual weekly workload. Please see our policies page for our remote learning policy.



Remote teaching and study time each day

We are following the Government guidance on Remote Learning from January 2021 which states that the amount of remote education provided should be, as a minimum:

Key Stage 1: 3 hours a day on average across the cohort, with less for younger children

Key Stage 2: 4 hours a day


St Clement’s will not be delivering ‘live’ sessions for pupils in the case of self-isolation. This is to ensure that workload does not become unmanageable and takes into account the varying levels of technology provided at home for our pupils.


How to access remote education

 We are keen to make remote learning an interactive experience through the submission and sharing of work by children and delivery of feedback from teachers. Pupils can use the portfolio function on Class Dojo to interact with their teachers as can parent/carers as well. Staff are also welcome to post videos of themselves explaining some of the activities if they wish, however this is not an expectation. If families struggle to access this work, then they should let the office know that they require paper copies. We will also make use of a number of ready- prepared high quality online materials such as national Oak Academy and supplement these with our existing subscription packages (eg Times Tables Rockstars, Oxford Reading Buddy, Phonics Play etc) which children are familiar with. Children will also have workbooks available to them to work from independently away from the screen. Parents are encouraged to speak to school if they have any issues with either technology or resources as school may be able to help.


Engagement and feedback

We appreciate that some families won’t be able to engage with the full timetable, and in this case suggest they focus on key learning priorities to try to reduce the impact on children’s core Maths and English skills. However, if a child is ill then there is no expectation for them to complete work until they are well enough. Staff will endeavour to view and feedback on as much of student’s work as they are able, while balancing their workload inside of school. Students at home should receive feedback at least once a week.


Additional support for pupils with particular needs

The full timetable given to other children in the class may not be suitable for SEND children, depending on their need. Our specific SEND Remote Learning Procedure states:

In the event of a wider school closure as a result of a lockdown, pupils with an EHCP will be offered access to our limited provision.  Dependent on staffing availability, our risk assessment, parental preference and the child’s SEND, this could be full time or a minimum of 2 days per week in school. 

When not accessing our limited provision, pupils will be provided with appropriate work to complete at home. Feedback about the work will be given when the child returns it to school either when they access limited provision or via twice weekly home visits by the SENDCO/TA. 


Remote education for self-isolating pupils

 In the event that individual pupils are confirmed to be self-isolating or shielding due to COVID, the pupil will be given a pack of generic activities to do at home in the first instance. These include, but are not limited to: Handwriting, spelling and phonics activities, SPAG activities, Fast Maths or Arithmetic and Reading activities. This will give staff the opportunity to prepare more detailed curriculum work for the pupils identified. Class Teachers will provide access to a weekly timetable of remote learning activities. This will be shared through Class Dojo and again paper copies will be provided if necessary.