Please click on the relevant link below to view a policy:


Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Remote Learning Policy NOV 23

CLA Designated Person For CLA Policy NOV 23

Pupil Premium Policy FEB 2024

EYFS Policy NOV 23

ECT Policy NOV 23

-EYFS Learning Journey Policy October 22

Assessment Policy NOV 23

PE Policy NOV 23

MAGT policy Feb 24

The Teaching & Learning of Reading Policy Nov 23

Editing and Improving Policy SEPT 23

Handwriting Policy Jan 24

Homework Policy JAN 24

Presentation, Marking & Feedback Policy SEPT 23

Learning & Teaching Policy Sept 23

Collective Worship Policy Jan 24

English as an Additional Language Policy Feb 24

RE Policy Jul 22

– PSHE Policy Jul 22


Behaviour and Safety

Anti-Bullying Policy Feb 24

CCTV Policy May 24


DBS Policy Jan24

Moving & Handling Policy Jan 23

Dealing with Allegations of Abuse Policy NOV 23

Policy For Managing Serial & Unreasonable Complaints FEB 2024

Raising Concerns and Formal Complaints Policy FEB 2024

Physical Restraint & Use of Reasonable Force Policy Feb 24


Statement of General Principles with Regard to Behaviour NOV 23

Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy June 24

The Education of Children with Medical Needs Who Are Unable to Attend School NOV 23

Early Drop-off, Collection & Late Collection of Children Policy Jun24

First Aid Policy OCT 23

Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Policy June 23

Health & Safety Policy OCT 23

Safeguarding Policy SEPT 23

Pupil Code of Conduct Policy NOV 23

Healthy Food and Drink Policy May 23

Parental Involvement Policy May 23

Bereavement Policy May 23

Attendance Policy FEB 2024

Missing Child Policy April 23

Child Missing in Education Policy SEPT 23

Code Of Conduct for Parent-carers April 23

Child Friendly Safeguarding Policy May23

Children with Medical Conditions Policy May 24

Asthma Policy Jan 24

Relationship and Sex Education Policy June 24

Lock Down Policy & Procedures Jun 24

Child Protection Policy June 23


Online Safety & Digital Safeguarding

Monitoring and Filtering Policy (Smoothwall) JAN 24

Acceptable Use of ICT Policy Jan 24

Online Safety and Digital Safeguarding Policy Jan 24

Social Media Policy & Guidance JAN 24

Password Policy March 24


Data protection and Cyber-security

Parent or Carer – Privacy Notice May 24

Freedom of Information Policy May 24

Data Protection Policy May 24

– Data Protection Officer information



Special Educational Needs


ACCESSIBILITY PLAN St Clements CofE Primary School Feb 2024

Safeguarding Info Sharing on Transition Policy Sept 23

Handling Concerns from parent-carers of SEND pupils FEB 23

Special Educational Needs Policy SEPT 23

Local Offer Sept 23

-SEN Info Report SEPT 23



Uniform Policy Nov 23

Tobacco Control Policy Jan 23 

School Meals Policy Nov22

Equality Policy – including Equality Objectives SEPT 23

Visitor and Volunteer Policy Nov 23

Governor Monitoring Visits Policy Feb 23

Drugs & Alcohol Policy May 23

Charging Policy March 23