Poppy Appeal/ Remembrance Day 2022

Again this year we have been supporting the Poppy Appeal. This year, the Royal British Legion, have not sent their usual paper poppies into school for us to sell. They have sent us poppies to help those wounded in service to our country & their families. Thank you to all the pupils and families who have Supporting your children to fundraise for this years Poppy Appeal- the collection pot is almost full and we have had to ask for more stock of the snap bracelet rulers!
During these hard times, your generosity is amazing.

On Friday 11th November 2022, our Year 6 pupils went to pay their respects to all those who sacrificed their lives fighting for our country so we can live as we do today. Mrs Abela and Mr Nield  took the class to Abbey Hey cenotaph where they looked at the names of local people who had died.  Prayers were read and poppy symbols were also left to show our respect and gratitude.