Head Teacher’s Welcome

“With Faith, Hope and Love We Can Achieve Greater Things.”

“Love is patient and kind.  Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.  It does not demand its own way.  It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.  It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.  Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.  Three things will last forever- faith, hope and love- and the greatest of these is love.”  1 Corinthians 13:4-7 New Living Translation


Our vision statement: 

At St Clements, we aim to ensure that everyone thrives within our caring Christian community.

We will use our Christian Values and Bible verse to provide hope during difficult times, gain strength from our faith and ensure love guides us, as an inclusive school family, in all of our actions.


Our Christian Values: (Guiding our Thinking and Behaviour)

Love- (Core Value that all of our 6 Values Flow):








Faith:  “Is being sure of what we hope for.  It is being certain of what we do not see.”  Hebrews 11:1

Hope:  “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Love:  “Love is patient and kind.  Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.” 1 Corinthians 13

Respect:  “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Luke 6:31

Forgiveness:  “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

Compassion:  “Finally, all of you, live in harmony, with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.” 1 Peter 3:8

Thankfulness:  “See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone.  Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18


“94% of our pupils agree that St Clements is a good school”

 (Pupil Survey July 2024)

“99% of parent/carers agree that their child/ren enjoy school and

All parents surveyed said that their child/ren are safe at St Clements School”

(Parent/Carer Survey October-December 2024)


Welcome to our website, we hope you enjoy it and are able to gain a picture of what we do at St Clements.

St Clements is continuing to work very hard to raise the standard of teaching, raise achievement and to develop leadership and management at all levels in school.  This was recognised during our OFSTED inspection in January 2025 where school was found to be maintaining standards from the previous inspection in February 2020. 

I know that I speak for the Governors and staff when I say that we are proud of what we offer pupils and their families.

We teach the full curriculum, to all pupils, in all year groups- it is not narrowed and as a result, our pupils are able to enthusiastically tell us what they have learnt in a range of subjects.  Our subject leaders have created sequenced and detailed plans that focus on the knowledge and skills children should be achieving in all subjects. 

We place a very high importance on pupils feeling happy and safe and all of us showing respect towards one another. We are particularly proud of how we work with pupils and their families around Online-Safety and how our outstanding work in this area was recognised in July 2022 through us gaining the 360 Safe Online Award.  We are currently working towards achieving the accreditation again this year.

We also pride ourselves on knowing each child as an individual due to our nurturing and caring environment which is underpinned by our Christian values.  This was recognised during our accreditation for the Silver Rights Respecting School Award that we achieved in June 2022 and we are aiming to achieve the Gold award this year.  We are proud to have strong links with our church and a range of other agencies.   

We have an involved governing body that knows our school well and challenges us to do even better by working with us on monitoring standards of teaching, pupil’s work and speaking to pupils about what is going well and what we can improve further. 

Our staff have a wealth of experience and are a committed, hardworking staff team.

We have an exciting, creative curriculum that our parent/carers think is great due to how the trips and visitors into school bring learning to life.  We place a high priority on communicating with parent/carers so that they are fully aware of how their child is doing in school, how they can get involved in school life and to work with us when issues may arise.  We keep them in touch with what their child has achieved and what they are learning through the class dojo system. 

We recognise the importance of working with the whole family and as a result, parent/carers are welcome to come into school or receive support from our Family Support team on a range of issues. 

Nothing but the best is good enough for our pupils and families and we look forward to continuing to work in partnership with all stakeholders to achieve our aim of being a school where all can thrive.  

Jane Parker- February 2025


Children’s Voice

At St Clement’s, teachers make learning fun; they arrange for us to take part in experience days where we spend a whole day learning about one topic. As part of this, we get to try a lot of new activities that we would not usually get to do. We also get to take part in a number of different exciting lessons across the whole curriculum. This year, one of our favourite lessons has been music where we have had the opportunity to play a range of different instruments, as well as practise our singing. Year Four have also been taught to play the recorder with Mrs Parker!

Teachers also organise special days and weeks for us to progress further in different areas of the curriculum. Some of our favourite things are: experience days, visits from the emergency services, European School Sports Day, Anti-Bullying Week, Safer Internet Day, Road Safety Week, Children In Need and Careers Week to name just a few!

We are lucky enough to be able to offer a lot of school clubs at St Clement’s. We have breakfast club, drama club, football, netball, ukulele, multisports and booster sessions as well as others that change throughout the year. We feel that this is a great opportunity to learn new skills and get along together. It is amazing what we can achieve when we put our mind to it!

We have been enjoying our PE lessons this year, as we now have two hours a week: one with the sports coach and one with our class teacher. We are able to practise our skills in a wider range of sports with the equipment we have. We have particularly enjoyed: fitness, orienteering, athletics, benchball and dodgeball. Throughout the year, all year groups from Y1 – Y6 have taken part in a range of tournaments outside of school which we really enjoyed. We also recently hosted our own basketball tournament which we would like to do more often next year. We are looking to start with a dodgeball tournament!

Whole school worships are now well and truly back after a quiet few years recently. We really enjoy the Friday worship where we get to share all the good work that goes on in our school. We have worker of the week, sports star of the week, lunchtime award, EPIC award as well as a lot of others! Class worship is also back where each year group has the opportunity to show the rest of the school what they have been learning about and parents are invited in. We really enjoy this opportunity to explore drama and show off what we have learned.

We are especially proud of the amount of charity and fundraising work that our school does. Some examples of these are the summer and Christmas fairs, movie nights, and Macmillan coffee mornings. We also collect donations for the homeless at Christmas. The staff help support a lot of events for us to help raise money for the school. These are always really fun.

At St Clement’s, we like to get our parents involved as much as we can. Over the course of the year, we have offered opportunities for parents to come in to: see the Values Award/Star of the term worship, parents evening, take part in Big Read sessions, hold mornings for parents to learn about staying safe on the internet and we have had a charity come in to deliver cooking lessons to parents. Our Y6 staff have organised an afternoon tea event for the end of year as a goodbye treat for parents and pupils.

As a Christian school, our values are very important to us and whole school worships are a big part of that. We have also learnt about how to carry these values through our life through our work in class. We take part in weekly RE lessons as well as thinking about ‘Big Questions’ and debating these respectfully with the rest of our class. Throughout this year, we have continued with our RRSA work in lessons and whole school worship. This has been really enjoyable and it has made us think about how lucky we are whilst also giving us opportunity to think about what we can do to help others who need it.

School council are hoping to make some more changes next year to further improve our already great school! We are hoping to get more children involved in school including having a say in changes that are made. We have already begun this year by consulting children on the timetable for sports at break time and lunch.

(May 2023)