Teacher – Mrs Fitzpatrick

TA-  Mrs Campbell, Miss Austen

Autumn Term 2024:

Communication Language and Literacy

The children in Reception have been enjoyed our topic “Traditional Tales from Around the World”. They have shared stories of such as The Gingerbread Man, Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs. The children enjoyed tasting gingerbread flavoured juice. We have also read stories about children in other cultures in the world such as Handa’s Surprise and Handa’s Hen. In our literacy lessons, we have been working hard as “Word Collectors” learning and using lots of new and interesting vocabulary in our writing. In the second half-term the children have been enjoying our topic ‘When I Grow Up’. They shared stories about growing up, such as Avocado Baby, Granpa and When We Were Giants. Our key authors were John Burningham and Martin Wadell. The children retold the stories in their writing using lots of new vocabulary. They enjoyed ‘meaningful moments’, such as mashing avocado and tasting it! The children learnt an autumn poem and talked about how some of the words rhymed. The children are also going to read the book ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’, where they will write their own Christmas letter like the characters in the story. We will also be introducing our Christmas role play post office where the children can write their own Christmas cards and post them. The children will also be practicing hard for our Nativity show by learning songs and lines.



The children have been learning how to sort and match and compare with objects, shapes and numbers. The children have enjoyed making repeating patterns using beads, cubes and autumn objects. They have also learnt about the composition of numbers up to 5 and have started to add, subtract, order, count and double with these numbers. They have also learned about triangles and squares in their work on numbers 3 and 4. We have also begun a Mastering Number programme, in which the children have been learning about the composition of numbers 1-5, subitising and the order of numbers.

Understanding the World

 As part of our topic the children have been learning about the place they live such as their own home and other types of homes. They have become geographers exploring our local area on google maps and looking at pictures of other places in the world. The children gained knowledge about what life might be like in a Kenyan village. They explored this further by playing in our small world African village. The children loved tasting tropical fruit and learning about animals of Africa. They also talked and researched about food and where it comes from through their RE work on Harvest. As part of our topic work, the children learned about the stages of human growth. They also learned about different occupations, such as people who help us in the community, like police officers and nurses. The children are going to dress up on our experience day as what job they want to have when they are an adult. We are also going to have a visit from Mrs Ward, who is a midwife. The children are also going to go on a welly walk in the local park to look for signs of autumn. 


.In RE, we talked about special people such as Jesus healing the paralytic and feeding the 5000. We also read some special stories in the Bible and celebrated Diwali making diva lamps with playdough.

Expressive Art and Design

In our creative lessons the children have found out about cave paintings and they have learned to mix paint with different tools to create new colours and shades. The children created some wonderful African safari sunset pictures using their skills. They also enjoyed learning songs about Africa in our music lessons. The children have also been drawing lines with different mediums such as chalk, pastels and charcoal. They have explored how to draw, straight, curved, wavy and zig-zag lines as well as how to make lines thicker and thinner. The children created some fantastic drawings of hair on a face template in charcoal using their knowledge about line drawing. The children also learnt how to draw lines on the interactive screen.

Personal, social and emotional development

The children have been learning the rules and routines of the Reception classroom, as well as continuing their think equal PSED lessons where they have been learning about how our feelings can change throughout the day. The children also learnt about very important topics such as anti-bullying week, where we sorted different pictures/scenarios into ‘kind behaviours’ and ‘unkind behaviours’. They learned new vocabulary to celebrate our differences such as the word “unique”.

Physical development

The children have enjoyed learning about different ways of moving such as hopping, crawling and jumping. In their outdoor PE lessons the children have been working at improving their hand-eye coordination. They have done so by using a variety of equipment such as beanbags, dodge balls and tennis balls. The children have been introduced to the basics of throwing and catching, as well as reacting to a moving target. The class have been very engaged in PE and worked well. In addition to this, they have all been learning to hold our pencil properly to write the letters in our name. The children have all made great progress in learning to hold their pencil properly to write lots of letters. The children also built up their fine motor skills using scissors, chalk and remote control cars!

TOPIC NAMES Understanding the World EAD (Expressive Arts and Design PSED RE Physical Development Literacy (Reading and Writing) Maths



Traditional Tales from Around the World

(ART 29/30)



When I grow Up…….

(ART 5,6,7,8,9,10, 24,27, 28,29)



Places- Where we live/African village

Autumn and seasonal change/

Bonfire night and Diwalli

Jobs and occupations (People who help us)

Winter/cold places and seasonal change







(Technology: Everyday technology

Effective use of IPADs and IWB Beebots, iPads, introduction to laptops.

Using Google maps)


Painting- Aut1



Dance- The UK/Weather


Music Express- Special people (Beat and Tempo)

Stories and sounds (Structure)


Music (Africa)- Come to the Serengeti song

Use of a range of instruments including bongo drums


Music (When I Grow Up)-

Living in the city song

Being someone new song


My Snowman poem


Nativity songs and performance



Role play- home corner, African roundhouse, police/fire station, post office.



Heartsmart – Get Heart smart (Meet Boris)


Heartsmart – Don’t forget to let love in (I am special)


Compromise and negotiate, name emotions, set goals and begin to know how to stay calm, begin to talk about health and wellbeing (teeth etc), Begin to see self as a valuable individual.


I am special (diversity)

Harvest (Sukkot- Jewish Harvest)



Special people (inc those who help us)


Christmas (Births and birthdays, The Nativity)




Values- Thankfulness, Respect and Love

Gross Motor Skills 

Revise and refine the fundamental movement skills they have already acquired: – rolling – crawling – walking – jumping – running – hopping – skipping – climbing

Begin to develop overall body-strength, balance, co-ordination.

Begin to combine different movements with ease and fluency

Change movements / directions quickly

▪Begin to confidently and safely use a range of large and small apparatus indoors and outside

Further develop and refine a range of ball skills including:  throwing, catching, kicking/Use different sizes / types of balls – in pairs

Fine Motor Skills 

▪ Use a comfortable grip with good control when holding pens and pencils, Consolidate tripod grip

Continue to develop small motor skills using pencils for drawing and writing, paintbrushes, scissors, knives, forks and spoons

PE- Stretching shapes (Gym),

Reading (Revise Phase 1/ Phase 2/3 letters and Sounds phonics)

Beginning to retell stories and narratives using their own words and recently introduced vocabulary.

Re-reading books to build up our confidence in word reading, fluency, understanding and enjoyment

Concepts about print- left-right, 1:1 correspondence.

Beginning to read simple words we can blend such as “cat” and “it” as well as some common words.

Beginning to read a few common exception words such as I, to,go, no the, into.


Write name correctly

Use correct letter formation  

Use some of their print and letter knowledge in their early writing

▪         Begin to form lower-case letters correctly 

▪         Begin to spell words by identifying the sounds and then writing the sound with letter/s, using known GPCs … spell. Use □ initial sounds □ VC □ CVC words

Write labels, Begin to write lists & captions, focusing on …label, caption, space

Oral rehearsal / vocabulary, Begin to reread what they have written

WRITE STUFF- Word jotters and writing sentences in pairs

Match and sort

Compare amounts

Comparing mass, size and capacity

Pattern- AB

Representing, comparing and compositions of 1,2,3 (identical and ono-identical objects)

Circles and triangles

Positional language

Representing numbers to 5

Addition and subtraction – Change within 5.

–           One more

–           One less

Measurement – Time.

–           My day

Homework Leaflet-Homework leaflet

Class newsletter Reception Spring 2 2025

Spring 2 2025 Topicweb growing