Teacher – Miss Beedle

TA-  Mrs Campbell, Miss Austen

Summer Term 2024:

Communication Language and Literacy

The children in reception have been enjoying our topic on “Castles”. We listened to stories such as ‘Peppa and the Coronation’ and ‘The King’s Underpants’ and read many non-fiction texts too. We also read ‘In the Castle’ focusing on the authors Anna Milbourne and Benji Davis and will be reading ‘The Castle the King Built’ by Rebecca Colby. The children learnt about the different roles that the people who lived and worked in a castle had and learnt some exciting new vocabulary using our Fantastic Lenses.



In our maths lessons we have been learning number about addition and subtraction through number stories and doubling and halving too. The children have also continued to recall number bonds to 10 and to know about numbers that are odd and even. We investigated sharing and grouping which was lots of fun!

Understanding the World

Through our topic work the children have been thinking a lot about the features of a castle and how they are different to where we live. We had a role play castle in our classroom, where the children could dress up as kings, queens and jesters and we have explored metal helmets and chalices on our investigation table. We are really excited for our trip to Skipton Castle, where we will explore inside the castle.  We also enjoyed using beebots to explore maps as part of our learning in computing.


In our RE lessons and worship we have been learning about the values of hope and love. We also talked about how different religions celebrate special times and talked about how Muslims celebrate Eid and Christians celebrate Christmas. We also learnt about how Christians believe God created the world in seven days.

Expressive Art and Design

In our creative lessons we have been exploring how to mark make using a range of media. We have used pastels, charcoal, chalk and felt pen. We have also been looking at the features of our faces and are exploring the shape of our different facial features. We have also been performers, practicing our class assembly for parents. We are learning poems, rhymes and a song about castles.

Personal, social and emotional development

We have also been getting ready for Year 1 with transition activities at playtimes, whole school assembly times and handwriting lessons in our new classroom. We have also been learning to ‘Think Equal’ by reading stories about people from other cultures. We also had a visit from our school dental nurse as part of healthy lifestyles week

Physical development

Our handwriting lessons in Year 1 have continued to support our fine motor skills. In PE lessons we have been focusing on racket sports and using our good eye-hand coordination. We are also going to take part in sports day and will enjoy the opportunity to take part in an obstacle course, as well an egg and spoon race.


TOPIC NAMES Understanding the World EAD (Expressive Arts and Design PSED RE Physical Development Literacy (Reading and Writing) Maths



Our World and Beyond (Space)

ART 3, 29, 13,24,27




The Seaside

ART- 31, 29



Places/the world


Environmental issues/recycling



Summer and seasonal change


Beach habitat


Father’s Day


(Everyday technology

keyboard skills continued


Photos and videos)

Sculpture- Sum 1

Collage – Sum 2


Music (Our World and Beyond)

Space hopper take me to Mars song

Let’s recycle song


Music (Seaside)-

Sea creatures song

Camille Sainte-Saens: Aquarium (melody played by the flute, accompanied by strings and piano)


Our senses (Timbre)




Role play- Space station/rocket, beach, seaside shop, ice cream shop, Treasure island.

Heartsmart – Fake is a mistake (I tell the truth)


Heartsmart – No way through, isn’ True (I can do it)




Begin to regulate behaviour, control immediate impulses, show resilience, perseverance and independence, explain reasons for rules/right and wrong), Manage self care and know about healthy food choices, form attachments, be sensitive.


Special Places (Places of Worship e.g. Mosque, Church, Gurdwara)





Special Times- Links with Non-Christian Faith celebrations


Values- Faith, Hope and Love

Martin Harvey formal handwriting lessons.

Gross Motor

▪Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others

▪Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing 

Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing.

Fine Motor Skills 

▪Hold a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing – using the tripod grip in almost all cases

▪Use a range of small tools, including scissors, paint brushes and cutlery

▪Begin to show accuracy and care when drawing.

In addition- sun safety, dressing and undressing independently for PE.

PE- Ball skills at the zoo, Fun with quiots and cones (athletics), Bats and balls at the circus (net games), Fun games with our friends (Outdoor adventure)

Reading(Phase 3/4 (5) Letters and Sounds phonics)

Demonstrate an understanding of what has been read to them by retelling stories and narratives using their own words and recently introduced vocabulary …sequence

▪Anticipate-where appropriate-key events in stories.

▪Use and understand recently introduced vocabulary during discussions about stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems and during role play.

Begin to notice some relationships between one text and another

Begin to comment on perceived links with own life

experience or other experiences, e.g. films, books

Read aloud simple sentences and books that are consistent with their phonics knowledge, including some common exception words



Write recognisable letters (lower case and capital) most of which are formed correctly

Spell words by identifying the sounds and then writing the sound with letter/s, using taught GPCs

Write simple phrases and sentences that can be read by others

Including: □ oral rehearsal of sentence before writing □ word spacing □ full stop □ capital letter

Begin to sequence 2-3 sentences within purposeful fiction/ nonfiction writing, such as: 2-3 part story (e.g. using story map/planner), Instructions 

WRITE STUFF- Just Me sentences using “chotting” for ideas.



Geometry – Exploring patterns.

–           Making simple patterns

–           Exploring more complex patterns

Addition and subtraction – Counting on and back.

–           Adding by counting on

–           Taking away by counting back

Number and place value –Numbers to 20.

–           Counting to 20

Multiplication and Division – Numerical patterns.

–           Doubling

–           Halving and sharing

–           Odds and evens

Measurement – Measure

Homework Leaflet-Homework leaflet


Class newsletter Reception Summer 1 2024

Reception Topicweb Toys 2024