Teacher: Ms Nichol

TA: Mrs Mellon, 

Autumn Term 2024:

To begin our Vikings topic we read the Viking myth, Beowulf about a brave warrior who fought many monsters. We all worked hard to brush up on our basics and began to learn how to punctuate speech, use fronted adverbials to show when and how and select and use noun phrases to add detail.At the end of our unit, some of us were able to ‘stand in the spotlight’ and share our work with the class!
In Maths we completed work on Place Value and Addition and Subtraction. We learned a range of methods for doing calculations and lots of different models (pictures) we can use to help us understand and solve problems. These include using place value grids, drawing place value counters and base 10 pictures, bar modelling and making jottings. 


In Science we have investigated sound. We learned how sound travels via vibration  through the air to our ears and investigated and tested a range of musical instruments. We worked scientifically by using a datalogger to measure sound in decibels and then we presented our data in a bar graph.

In History we learned about the Vikings. Wayland the Viking came to visit us in school and we learned so much about how the Vikings went from raiders to invaders to settlers. We were lucky enough to examine some Viking artefacts, learn about runes and even make a Viking pot.

We investigated Viking Art and looked at how the Vikings depicted different creatures including dragons in their art then focused on Viking knots, using pencil to draw outlines and shade our knot pictures.


We have focused this term on what we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong? We have explored the golden rules of religion and compared them.

In Computing we learned about datalogging, using the dataloggers to collect data on light and sound.

In our PE sessions we have continued to develop our swimming skills.

In  French we learned about the four seasons, naming them in French and using simple words and phrases to describe them.






Art and DTRRSA Articles 13, 31


RERRSA Article 14


MusicRRSA Articles, 13, 31



RRSA Articles 13, 24, 31


Year 4


Groovy Greeks Animals Including Humans – Digestion / Teeth Y4





Changing State Y4

Greek civilisations – life in ancient Greece


RRSA Articles 17, 27


Countries of the World

Focus:Contrasting European Location – Greece


Compare Greece to UK human & physical Geography


4 fig / 6 fig grid references / 8 compass points



Weather patterns


RRSA Article 27

Art- Shapes with Sonia

Sonia Delauney

(PB Unit)


DT –Sewing (follow structure of PB Seasonal Stockings Unit)


RRSA Article 24

Living in the Wider World – Righs of the child, Looking after money, Sustainibility


BV – Individual Liberty

Why do Some People Think Life is a Journey?


Why are Festivals Important to Religious Communities? (Divali & Ramadan)

Net IT-online safety

RRSA Articles 16, 17, 19


Sort IT- creating graphs and charts


Whole Class Ensemble Tuition– Recorders


Spring 1



Spring 2

Ancient Worlds







Spr 1- Presenting Myself


Spr 2- My Family



Homework Leaflet-Homework leaflet

year 4 spring Ancient Greece topic web 2025 VN

Yr 4 newsletter Spring 2025 VN