Pupils & Classes
Teacher: Miss Checkland
TA: Miss Murphy, Miss O’Connor
Autumn Term 2024:
In Literacy, we have been exploring the book ‘The First Drawing’ by Mordicai Gersten. We have been using adjectives and expanded noun phrases to describe and have been learning to use different openers, conjunctions and commas to extend our sentences. We have been considering the main character’s inner thoughts and feelings and will be using these to help us to plan a diary entry from his point of view, entitled ‘The day I came face to face with a woolly mammoth’. We would like our writing choices to capture the reader’s attention and make them feel like they were there when the boy saw the mammoth for the first time.
In Maths this half term, we are looking at the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, including learning our times tables and developing mental and written methods of solving calculations and word problems.
In science we are enjoying learning about light. We have learned the difference between light and dark and that we need light to see. We will also be learning about how light travels and how shadows and reflections are made.
In our RE sessions, we have been learning the difference between celebrations and festivals, and we have discussed which festivals we have been involved in/are familiar with. We are now learning about Ester, an important religious festival for Christians and why it is important to them In our RE lessons we show respect to one another by listening to each other views, and respecting we all have different beliefs etc.
In Geography, we have been learning all about the different parts of a volcano and what happens when they erupt. We will be learning all about tectonic plates and why volcanoes erupt, finding out where they are located and finding out what life is like inside the ‘Ring of Fire’ (where most volcanoes are found)
Our artist for this term is Friedensreich Hundertwasser. He created some fantastic pieces of art. We are looking at his work that included buildings and thought about how he used colour to show emotion. We are looking forward to creating our own bright paintings using his style.
In Design Technology, we have been learning all about pneumatic systems (mechanisms that use air to make something move). We have made simple pneumatic systems, using syringes, tubing and balloons. We are currently designing monsters, made out of scrap, that will use pneumatic mechanisms to move parts of their bodies. We will then make and evaluate our designs to complete the design cycle,
In computing we have been learning about coding and programming. We have been using a program called Scratch to help us learn how to create and record sequences of instructions, including ‘forward’ and ‘backward’ commands. We will also learn the importance of testing our sequences and ‘debugging’ them if we spot any errors that stop our program from running correctly.
In French we are learning the phonics sound – oi. We are also learning how to greet others, numbers 1 – 10 and ask what is your name?
In PSHCCE, we will continue to learn about healthy lifestyles, including how to eat a healthy, balanced diet and how to be safe in different types of weather. We will also be learning about good personal hygiene and how to keep our bodies clean and healthy. We have also been celebrating anti-bullying week by creating acrostic poems about ‘Respect’, which is this year’s theme.
In PE we have been practicing the skills needed for golf. We are now using the clubs correctly and have learned different types of clubs for different strokes.
In music we have been looking at different types of Tool rhythms and sounds. The song we have been learning is called Building.
Term |
TOPIC NAME | Science
Art and DTRRSA Articles 13, 31
RRSA Article 14 |
RRSA Articles, 13, 31
RRSA Articles 13, 24, 31 |
Year 3
Rock of Ages
Rocks and Soils Y3
Light Y3 |
Stone Age
When was the Stone Age? What was life like in Manchester during this time? Skara Brae How was life different during the Stone Age?
RRSA Article 17, 27
Focus: UK / Europe– recap on UK
Name and locate countries Use maps/ atlases/globes/ google maps
4 fig grid references
Map symbols / keys
Human and physical features – link to Stone Age settlements |
Art- Exploring Nature with Andy Goldsworthy
Andy Goldsworthy (PB Unit)
DT- Cooking – Stone age Food (Following PB unit sequence Perfect Pizza) |
Mental and Emotional Health – How do my feelings affect others, E-safety, What am I good at?
BV – Democracy and Rule of Law
Healthy Lifestyles – Healthy diet, Sun safety, Personal hygiene
BV – Individual Liberty |
What do Different People Believe about God? | Code IT- Coding and programming
Autumn 1
Environment & Building
Autumn 2 Sounds & Poetry
Fitness |
Aut 1- French phonics – lesson 1Aut 1- I am learning FrenchAut 2- Animals |
Homework Leaflet-Homework leaflet