Teacher: Ms Nichol

TA: Miss Crolla 

Summer Term 2024:

We have been working very hard in year 5 and we are proud of our learning. Here are a few things that we have been doing:


In Literacy we have finished our work on the fabulous book The Man Who Walked Between the Towers by Mordecai Gerstein and we have produced some excellent biographies about Philippe Petit. We have now begun working on The Nowhere Emporium by Ross McKenzie and we’re looking forward to learning more about the mysterious shop from nowhere!
We have completed work on decimals, perimeter, area and volume and we are now brushing up on our reasoning and problem solving skills in preparation for Year 6. 
Our Science topics this half term have been on Animals including Humans and Animals and their Habitats. We have produced some wonderful work on food chains and lifecycles and have linked our work to PSHE where we have been working on growing and changing and the changes that take place in our bodies around puberty.
We have been investigating the work of Frida Kahlo and using it as inspiration for our own self portraits. 

In History we have been exploring the lives of former Kings and Queens, particularly the Tudors and Queen Victoria. We have looked at how the power and role of the monarch has changed over time. We really enjoyed our trip to the Tower of London to see where many of the events we have learned about took place.

In Geography we will be looking in detail at London, how the city developed, noteworthy buildings and physical geography.

I the coming weeks we will be investigating structures, particularly bridges, and having a go at making our own.

In Computing we are learning to create photo stories/reels using Windows movie maker. 

In French we have been learning to talk about our families. 

In Music with Mr Nield we have been exploring dynamic and texture and how this affects our singing and playing. We are also playing basic notation using tuned percussion instruments. 







Art and DT 

RRSA Articles 13, 31



RRSA Article 14



RRSA Articles, 13, 31



RRSA Articles 13, 24, 31


Year 5


Magical Monarchs Animals Including Humans Y5

RRSA Articles 6, 7, 8, 24, 27


Living Things & Their Habitats Y5

English / British Kings and Queens


Comparisons between different periods

Examine and evaluate sources

Give reasons for events

RRSA Articles 17, 27


World Cities Focus


Compare cities (London, Paris, New York and Manchester)

Name / locate

Maps & keys

Time zones

Human and physical features


Comparative local study

RRSA Article 27


Royal portraiture

Mixed media work

Steve Penley


DT – Building Bridges (PB Unit, London, Paris, NY focus)



Keeping Safe


BV – Rule of Law



What can be Done to Reduce Racism?  Can Religion Help? Cre8 IT Graphical modelling


Cre8 IT Photostories

Summer 1

At the Movies


Summer 2









My Home




Homework Leaflet-Homework leaflet

Class newsletter Yr 5 Summer 2024

year 5 Topic Web Magical Monarchs 2024