Teacher: Mrs Abela, Miss Gavaghan

TA: Mr Nield 

Autumn term 2024:


In English, we have used the text “Rose Blanche” by Ian McEwan and Roberto Innocenti . We worked on direct and indirect speech, apostrophes for possession and contraction  and used our inference skills to predict what characters were thinking  and saying. We will be writing a narrative based on the text as our final published piece of writing.



In maths, we are working on our unit on fractions and will hopefully have moved on to decimals before Christmas, after which, we will study measurement

In science, we are learning about light. We have tested hypothesis and we have studied the human eye very briefly and we will complete the unit by looking in more depth at the human eye and working on refuting evidence presented by scientists.


Our topic this term is “World at War”. We have studied the Second World War this half term, including the holocaust, causes of WW2, leaders, battles and the home front, adding in the forgotten heroes of the war (women, animals and black regiments).

In Computing this term, we have studied Kodu. We have had great fun making worlds and changing them on a whim using a wide range of coding skills and imagination!

Our overarching theme this half term is Respect and love. We have had some very good class discussions on what it means to be respectful and show love to ourselves and others. Children have had the opportunity to present our Tuesday worship sessions.

Black history month has been our topic in this subject. We have also looked at Remembrance Day to tie in with our topic of the war. We have been learning about maintaining a healthy lifestyle in mind and body and discussing the importance of talking to help us maintain good mental health. We have tied this in with our school values of respect and love.


We visited the war memorial in Gorton as part of our studies on the war and to keep the memories of these events alive in the children’s minds. We had a fantastic time at Crucial Crew, learning all about keeping safe in society and how to be a responsible member of society.







Art and DT 

RRSA Articles 13, 31



RRSA Article 14



RRSA Articles, 13, 31



RRSA Articles 13, 24, 31



RRSA Article 13


Year 6


Human Planet Evolution & inheritance Y6


Living Things and their habitats Y6

  Focus: Earning A Living


Art- Wonderful Weather

Emilia Milcheva


RRSA Article 24


DT – Programming Pioneers (PB Unit)


Living in the Wider World – Media criticism, Managing money, Aspirations


BV – Rule of Law



What Matters Most to Christians & Humanists?


Is it Better to Express your Religion in Arts and Architecture or in Charity and Generosity?

Net IT- Online safety

RRSA Articles 16, 17, 19


Sort IT- Spreadsheets Modelling


Spring 1



Spring 2








Spr 1- Clothes


Spr 2- At School

Information texts of South America

Persuasive arguments

American habitats writing

Narrative (south American stories)

Science – sorting/data/statistics

DT- measures, ratio, mass, weighing

Islamic art – 2d shape

Computing– data handling

Homework Leaflet-Homework leaflet

Copy of Year 6 Spring Topic Web 24 (1)

Spring newsletter year 6 2025